Publish Date : May 28, 2021

Ep. 43 – 3 Ways You’re Holding Yourself Back From Making Millions

Did you know that very few entrepreneurs will ever go on to make millions – and they KNOW THAT. That's why usually offers that speak to “6 or multiple 6 figures” will convert better than ones that speak to making 7 figures… Because 7 figures just doesn't feel attainable for so many. Why is that? Why doesn't it feel possible to make that much money? In this episode, we're going to take a look at what's going on inside the heads of so many entrepreneurs and how it's holding them back from reaching 7-figure status.Your Self-Worth, Self-Talk, and Self-Respect can make or break you in business. So own your value and SHOW it in the words you speak and the actions you take.

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I remember years ago when I realized that I had been SETTLING for just 6 figures. I had 6 figure success story after 6 figure success story and while there were so many entrepreneurs and coaches who looked up to me for having that level of success, the truth is behind the scenes, I felt like I was playing small.

But the idea of making millions was just too scary for me. It felt like too much of a stretch. Until I evaluated those thoughts and realized, I was the only thing holding me back.

Chances are you're doing it too. So here are the Top 3 Ways You're Probably Holding Yourself Back In Your Business:

Tip #1: You're Not Owning Your Self Worth

Most entrepreneurs devalue themselves, discount their worth, and allow that to impact how they price themselves, market themselves, and show up in the marketplace.

It's time for you to stop discounting you, because your self worth is directly related to your net worth. When you make the conscious decision to say "You know what? I'm valuable. I do great work. My prospects are better of for buying from me" that 100% impacts the way that you approach marketing your business and delivering your services.

Tip #2: You're Not Watching Your Self Talk

How you talk to yourself and about yourself impacts the decisions you make and the actions you take in your business. If you say things like "I'm not good at sales" of course you'll struggle with sales. If you say things like "I'm bad at managing my finances" of course you'll fall into debt.

These are low-value statements that seep into the deepest parts of who you are and not only alter the way you feel about yourself, but also the way you operate your business. WORDS MATTER!

So turn those low value statements into high value statements. When you start to think "I'm not good at sales" nip it in the bud and change that statement to "I am a sales superhero".

Tip #3: You Not Consciously Showing Self Respect

It's not enough to SEE your value, you have to RESPECT it as well. Don't just SAY you believe you are premium brand, SHOW IT. Show it in the clothes you buy for yourself, in the decor you pick for your office, in the way you invest in yourself, in how you delegate. Allow your beliefs to be SEEN through your actions.

Your Self-Worth, Self-Talk, and Self-Respect can make or break you in business. So own your value and SHOW it in the words you speak and the actions you take.

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