Publish Date : May 14, 2021

Ep. 25 – Discover Our 4 Step Money Mindset System

My lordy entrepreneurs get all up in their heads about money. Doubting if they can make it. Fearing they can't charge enough. Avoiding looking at their bank account. A poor money mindset can show up in your business and life in many ways. Stay tuned, because today we're going to nip it in the bud!

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I used to be afraid of charging my worth...My private coaching used to be a laughable $247/month...And now I charge over $20,000 for my Mastermind group program. How did I make such a dramatic change?

Well, I embraced a simple 4-step money mindset system:

Tip #1: Identify

Whatever the result is that you are trying to create, it's important to start by first IDENTIFYING as the person who gets those types of results. For example, if you want to make millions, it's time to start IDENTIFYING AS a millionaire. I mean, think about it this way....Let's say you believe that you can make $1M in 5 years. The YOU in 5 years is the SAME YOU as you right now. That future you is the SAME person as the present you. Therefore, you ARE a millionaire, your bank account just doesn't match it yet.

Tip #2: Believe

Because when you BELIEVE you can achieve financial results, it WILL impact the decisions that you make and the actions that you take. That's why the entrepreneurs who achieve their money goals are the ones who believe they can. Sure, we all have moments of doubt…of course, but the key is to not dwell in those doubts. Instead, make a conscious decision to belive in yourself and the LIMITLESS possibilities in front of you.

Tip #3: Commit

Now that you've got those money-making beliefs in line, it's time to really commit. And that's different than making a "decision". Plenty of people "decide" to lose weight after New Years, but very FEW truly COMMIT to doing what it takes to make it happen. COMMITMENT is a vow you make to yourself. It means you won't take "no" for an answer. It's not a matter of WHETHER you'll get those results, only when, because you are COMMITTED to making it happen no matter what it takes.

Tip #4: Finally, Act

As Wise Yoda once famously said, "Do, or do not. There is no try." Take massive action every day to work towards your money goals.. Whether you feel like it or not! You can't get results without action, so GO! {DO IT}

If you consistently practice these 4 steps, you WILL reach your money goals and send those money worries into exile. So remember: Identify, Believe, Commit, and Act!


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