Publish Date : September 13, 2016

How To Land Interviews With Industry Influencers

How would you like to interview the biggest influencers and celebrities in your niche? To invite them to telesummits, events, and podcast appearances and have them say “YES”? In this episode, we’re talking about how to do just that!

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How'd you like to interview the biggest idols in your niche?

In just one short year, I have participated in over 100 interviews... with millionaires, high profile influencers, and celebrities in my niche... and now it's time for you to do the same! Here's how:

Step 1: Be Confident

There are so many experts out there in so many different niches. Who's to say that you're not one of them? If the expert doesn't know who you are, then chances are they don't know if you're new or established. This is GREAT because it means you have the opportunity to shape how they view you. Therefore, it is CRITICAL you do not approach the situation with fear. Don't come off as timid or beneath them, because the expert will view collaborating with you as charity work. That's not good. Instead, be confident and own your value. When you believe in yourself and you talk like the expert you are, this inspires others to believe in you too. Craft your interview invitation email with the assumption that they will want to join, and with the belief that it will benefit them to be aligned with you (not just the other way around). YOU are valuable. Believe it!

Step 2: Create a Personal Connection

The first line or two of your email should show the expert they already have a connection with you. Some options are to (a) remind them of how they know you, (b) remind them of when you two met, (c) mention a friend of yours who is a client of theirs, (d) mention a friend of yours who ran a telesummit they were on before, (e) mention the telesummit you heard them on before, (f) tell them you bought a product of theirs and loved it, and/or (g) tell them you're a member of their LinkedIn or Facebook Group. Those are just some examples. Of course, make sure what you say is true. Your goal is to create the know, like, and trust factor by establishing a pre-existing connection. Experts are more likely to take you seriously if you take the time to get to know them.

Step 3: Name Drop

If you know someone who has worked with them, say so. If you have a client who has bought their stuff, say so. If there are OTHER speakers on the summit or event you're planning - big or small - mention them. The more experts you mention and the more connections you make, the more valuable it is perceived by the expert. More experts equal more reach. More connection equals greater trust. Of course, you'll want to weave these name drops into the conversation naturally.

Step 4: Explain What They Get Out Of It

"I'd love to share you with my community." This is great because it not only positions this as a value-proposition (you're not trying to get something out of it, you're trying to give value to them and to your community), but also because it positions you as an expert by saying that you have a community.

Step 5: Respect Their Time

Be organized when you email them. Have all of the details worked out for your event - the when, the how, the what, and the who. Know the dates the interview will air, the dates you'll need them to promote, when you'll get them swipe copy, etc. Have some FAQs ready. The more information you can provide, the faster their decision-making process will be.

Go Here To Access Our Sample Email Template You Can Use To Invite Industry Influencers To Interviews: http://marketlikeanerd.com/interviewswipe

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